Secure Your Loved Ones’ Financial Goals with Enhanced Protection.

The ICICI Pru Non-Linked Goal Protect Rider is an is a non-participating, non-linked, individual pure risk health rider that ensures your family’s financial aspirations are safeguarded, even in unforeseen circumstances. Designed to complement your base policy, this rider guarantees that the survival and maturity benefits of your base policy are paid to your nominee/beneficiary even after the death of the Life Assured, keeping your long-term financial goals intact.

Key Features and Benefits:

ICICI Pru Non-Linked Goal Protect Rider offers two types of Benefit Options as given below:

1. Protect Option

  • Offers protection in the event of death or terminal illness1 of the Life Assured whichever happens first. In case of earlier diagnosis of terminal illness of the Life Assured, the applicable death benefit of the base policy will be accelerated and its value, as on the date of diagnosis, will be paid to the policyholder.
  • No further premiums are payable on the base policy, or this rider post the trigger of this claim.
  • Survival and maturity benefits of the base policy will continue to be paid as per their original schedule, ensuring no disruption to your planned financial goals.

2. Protect Plus Option

  • Offers protection in the event of death or terminal illness1 of the Life Assured whichever happens first. In case of earlier diagnosis of terminal illness of the Life Assured, the applicable death benefit of the base policy will be accelerated and its value, as on the date of diagnosis, will be paid to the policyholder.
  • Additionally in case Accidental Death2 of the life Assured an additional Sum Assured equal to 10 times the annualized premium of the base plan, will be paid as lump sum, provided the rider is in–force or in the grace period at the time of accident and accidental death occurs within 180 days from the date of accident. This benefit component is also payable if the Accidental Death occurs beyond the Policy Term but within 180 days from the date of Accident, provided the Accident occurs within the Coverage Term and the rider is in-force or in the Grace Period at the time of Accident.
  • No further premiums are payable on the base policy, or this rider post the trigger of this claim.
  • Survival and maturity benefits of the base policy will continue to be paid as per their original schedule, ensuring no disruption to your planned financial goals.

Additional Features

Seamless Continuation of Benefits: If the nominee/beneficiary passes away during the payout period, the scheduled benefits will transfer to the legal heir of the nominee/beneficiary.

Flexibility to Attach Other Riders: This rider can coexist with other riders offering non-overlapping benefits, ensuring comprehensive coverage.

Why Choose ICICI Pru Non-Linked Goal Protect Rider?

This rider is a thoughtful solution for individuals seeking to:

  • Ensure uninterrupted financial support for their loved ones.
  • Safeguard long-term goals like children’s education, retirement, or family welfare.
  • Provide an additional layer of protection against uncertainties.

Secure your family’s financial future today with the ICICI Pru Non-Linked Goal Protect Rider and enjoy peace of mind knowing your plans will stand strong.

Plan at a glance - Eligibility Criteria to buy the rider

Premium Payment Option
(PPT in years)
Minimum/ Maximum
Rider Term (in years)
(in years)
Minimum/ Maximum Age at
(in years)
5 to 12 5 to 50, subject to a maximum maturity age of 75 years 18/60

Premium Payment Frequency: Yearly, Half-Yearly, Monthly (same as chosen under the Base policy)

Minimum Annualized Premium: ₹ 12

Maximum Annualized Premium: Subject to the Board Approved Underwriting Policy (BAUP). However, premium for any of the benefit options for this rider shall not exceed 100% of premium under the base policy

Premium will vary depending upon the Option chosen.

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1A Life Assured named under this rider shall be regarded as terminally ill only if he/she is diagnosed as suffering from a condition which, in the opinion of two independent medical practitioners specializing in treatment of such illness, is highly likely to lead to death within 6 months.
The Terminal Illness must be diagnosed and confirmed by medical practitioners registered with the Indian Medical Association and approved by the Company. The Company reserves the right for independent assessment.

2Accidental death is defined as Death of the Life Assured by or due to a bodily injury caused by an accident, independent of all other causes of death.

ICICI Pru Non-Linked Goal Protect Rider UIN: 105B048V01


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