India is undergoing a transformative economic growth in the past couple of decades. You, as a part of India’s rising new generation, want to participate in India’s growth story and aspire to realise the dreams you have for your loved ones. For the non-negotiable goals you have in mind for your family, you need the right plan. The plan should also be able to take care of your family’s financial wellbeing even in your absence.

Presenting ICICI Protect N Gain- a unit linked savings life insurance plan with comprehensive protection designed to grow your wealth to fulfil your long-term goals and safeguard your family with an adequate life cover1. With ICICI Pru Protect N Gain, protect your life goals, and gain a stress-free life!

ICICI Pru Protect N Gain: A one stop solution for your Insurance and Investment needs


You and your family with a Life Insurance cover1, Accidental Death cover5 and Accidental Disability cover5


  • Life Insurance cover: Life Cover1 for the entire policy term so that your family is financially secured even in your absence
  • Accidental Death cover: Accidental Death cover5 paid as lump sum in case of death due to an accident
  • Accidental Disability cover: Accidental Disability cover5 paid as lump sum in case of permanent disability due to an accident


By staying longer in the policy with market linked returns


Maturity Benefit*: Lump sum will be paid to you at the maturity of the policy equal to your policy fund value

The above maturity benefit* is inclusive of the following additions to your policy:

Growth option

  • Return of 1X premium allocation charges2 and mortality charges2 from 11th policy year
  • Return of 2.5X mortality charges2 from 26th policy year
  • Maturity booster3 to boost your fund value at maturity

Life option

  • Return of 2X premium allocation charges2 and mortality charges2 from 11th policy year
  • Return of 4X mortality charges2 from 26th policy year
  • Maturity booster3 to boost your fund value at maturity





Growth option or Life option

Choose between the two options as per your goals

Choose sum assured/ premium

In Life option ,choose the level of life cover as per your goals, income and life-stage. In Growth option, choose the premium you want to pay.

Choose the PPT & PT

Choose for how long you would like to pay the premiums (premium payment term) and for how long you would like to stay covered under the policy (policy term).

Select Funds/Strategy

Select how you want to save your money and the funds in which you want to save your money.

Plan Issued

Start paying your premiums and stay covered in the policy to achieve your protection and wealth creation goals.

Boundary Conditions

Plan Option Premium Payment option Premium Payment Term (in years) Policy term (in years) Minimum/ Maximum age at entry (in years) Minimum/ Maximum age at maturity (in years) Minimum Premium Minimum Sum Assured
Life Limited Pay 5 - 12 30 – 40 18/60 48/90 ₹ 40,000 ₹ 4,00,000
Growth ₹ 1,25,000 ₹ 12,50,000

Premium Payment Frequency: Annual, Half-yearly, Monthly

Maximum Premium/ Maximum Sum Assured: Subject to internal Company guidelines i.e., Board Approved Underwriting Policy (BAUP)


Life Option :-

Animesh, a 30-year-old purchased ICICI Pru Protect N Gain-Life to secure family’s future and grow wealth to achieve cherished goals. He selected a sum assured of 2cr with a premium payment term of 12 years and policy term of 40 years.

The premium mentioned above includes rider premium without taxes.

Growth Option :-

Siddhant, a 30 year old, purchased ICICI Pru Protect N Gain (Growth) plan option to become part of India’s growth story and create wealth to achieve cherished goals. He decided to invest ₹1.5L every year with premium payment term of 12 Years.

ARR: The Illustrations are based on Assumed Rate of Return of 8% and 4%. The maturity benefits shown are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to the actual fund performance

1. How is this plan different from traditional ULIP plan?

A ULIP plan offers protection upto 10 times of the annualised premium. ICICI Pru Protect N Gain provides the opportunity to offer protection of upto 125 times of the annualised premium along with the wealth creation through market linked returns

2. Can riders be opted along with this plan?

Yes, ICICI Pru Protect N Gain comes with the ICICI Pru Linked Accidental Death and Disability Rider. Please read the rider brochure to know more details

3. What is Systematic Withdrawal Plan4(SWP)?

SWP allows you to withdraw a pre-determined percentage of your fund value regularly. This can help you to meet specific needs such as child’s education or money for day-to-day expenses during retirement

4. When can I do partial withdrawals?

Partial withdrawals are allowed only after the first five policy years and on payment of all premiums for the first five policy years

5. What is the age eligibility to do partial withdrawals?

Partial withdrawals are allowed only if the Life Assured is at least 18 years of age

6. What are the tax benefits under this policy?

You can avail of tax benefits on the premiums you pay towards this plan and the benefit you receive subject to conditions under section 80C, 10(10D) and other provisions of The Income Tax Act, 1961



Please note: NA: Fund has not completed the stipulated time period

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*Maturity benefit is policy fund value, including top up fund value, if any. On payment of maturity benefit, the policy terminates.

1Life cover is the benefit payable on death of the life assured during the policy term. Death Benefit will be highest of:

  • Sum Assured, including Top-up Sum Assured, if any
  • 105% of the total premiums paid
  • Fund Value including the Top-up Fund Value, if any

2Under Life option: From the 11th policy year, 2 times the premium allocation charges deducted 120 months earlier will be added back to the fund value as additional units, in the same manner and frequency as they were deducted. Starting from the 11th policy year, at the beginning of each policy month until the end of the 25th policy year, 2 times the mortality charges deducted 120 months earlier will be added back to the fund value as additional units. From the 26th policy year onwards, 4 times those mortality charges will be added back in the corresponding manner.
Under Growth option: From the 11th policy year, the premium allocation charges deducted 120 months earlier will be added back to the fund value as additional units, in the same manner and frequency as they were deducted. Starting from the 11th policy year, at the beginning of each policy month until the end of the 25th policy year, the mortality charges deducted 120 months earlier will be added back to the fund value as additional units. From the 26th policy year onwards, 2.5 times those mortality charges will be added back in the corresponding manner.

3At policy maturity, an addition, known as Maturity Booster in the form of extra units (Units mean a specific portion or part of the Unit Linked Fund(s) in which you have saved your money) will be made to boost your Fund Value. This Maturity Booster will be equal to 20% percentage of the average of the Fund Values including Top-up Fund Value, if any, on the last business day of the last eight policy quarters.

4Systematic Withdrawal Plan is allowed only after the first five policy years.

5Available through mandatory rider ‘ICICI Pru Accidental Death and Disability rider’. Please refer to the rider brochure for more details.

6Tax benefits under the policy are subject to conditions under Section 80C, 10(10D) and other provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Goods and Services Tax and cesses, if any will be charged extra by redemption of units, as per applicable rates. Tax laws are subject to amendments from time to time.

`Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

Fund name SFIN
Maximiser Fund V ULIF 114 15/03/11 LMaximis5 105
Multi cap Growth Fund ULIF 085 24/11/09 LMCapGro 105
Opportunities Fund ULIF 086 24/11/09 LOpport 105
Bluechip Fund ULIF 087 24/11/09 LBluChip 105
Multi cap Balanced Fund ULIF 088 24/11/09 LMCapBal 105
Income Fund ULIF 089 24/11/09 LIncome 105
Money Market Fund ULIF 090 24/11/09 LMoneyMkt 105
Maximise India Fund ULIF 136 11/20/14 MIF 105
Active Asset Allocation Balanced Fund ULIF 138 15/02/17 AAABF 105
Value Enhancer Fund ULIF 139 24/11/17 VEF 105
Secure Opportunities Fund ULIF 140 24/11/17 SOF 105
Focus 50 fund ULIF 142 04/02/19 FocusFifty 105
India Growth fund ULIF 141 04/02/19 IndiaGrwth 105
Balanced Advantage Fund ULIF 144 03/06/21 BalanceAdv 105
Sustainable Equity Fund ULIF 145 03/06/21 SustainEqu 105
Mid Cap Fund ULIF 146 28/06/22 MidCapFund 105
Mid Cap Hybrid Growth Fund ULIF 147 050123 MCHybrdGrt 105
Constant Maturity Fund ULIF 148 050123 ConstntMat 105
Mid Cap Index Fund ULIF 149 050723 McIndxFund 105
Mid Cap 150 Momentum 50 Index Fund ULIF 151 180124 McMomentum 105
Multicap 50 25 25 Index Fund ULIF 152 220224 MultiCapIF 105
MidSmall Cap 400 Index Fund ULIF 153 150424 MidSmal400 105
MidSmallCap 400 Momentum Quality 100 Fund ULIF 156 241024 MscMomQual 105
Smallcap 250 Momentum Ǫuality 100 Index Fund ULIF 157 301224 SmcMomQual 105

1) Linked insurance products are different from the traditional insurance products and are subject to the risk factors.

2) The premium paid in linked insurance policies are subject to investment risks associated with capital markets. The NAVs of the units may go up or down based on the performance of fund and factors influencing the capital market and the Insured is responsible for his/her decisions.

3) ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited is only the name of the Life Insurance Company and ICICI Pru Protect N Gain is only the name of the linked insurance contract and does not in any way indicate the quality of the contract, its future prospects or returns.

4) Please know the associated risks and the applicable charges, from your insurance agent or intermediary or policy document issued by the insurance company.

5) The various funds offered under this contract are the names of the funds and do not in any way indicate the quality of these plans, their future prospects and returns.

ICICI Pru Protect N Gain (A Linked, Non-Participating, Individual, Savings Life Insurance Plan.) UIN:

ICICI Pru Linked Accidental Death and Disability Rider UIN:


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