FAQs: FreeLook Period
Freelook FAQS
The freelook period begins from the time you receive your policy kit digitally or physically. You will receive an email and SMS notification when the kit is sent to your email id or dispatched to your communication address. Thus, it is very important to ensure that correct communication details are mentioned in your application form.
The freelook period for your policy will be calculated as follows:
- If you have an electronic Insurance Account (eiA) your freelook period is applicable for 30 days from the date that the digital kit is deposited in eiA. Once the welcome kit is deposited in your eiA, you will receive an SMS and email from ICICI Prudential Life Insurance and also your eiA service provider (i.e., CAMS, NSDL, etc.)
- For all other policyholders who receive the kit physically, a freelook period of 30 days from the policy kit dispatch date is applicable. You will also receive an email/SMS communication with information about the dispatch of your policy
Policyholders can also access their digital kit by visiting www.iciciprulife.com/services/e-welcome-kit.html. Digital kit is available within 8 days of policy issuance.
The freelook feature of life insurance policies is a provision made in the interest of protection of policyholder rights. During this period, you can review the policy benefits, terms and conditions and confirm if you wish to continue, modify any details or cancel the policy.
These are 5 key details you must review during the Freelook period:
- Personal details - Verify your personal details like Name, Date of Birth, Occupation, Salary, etc. mentioned in your application form. These are critical and any changes at a later date may have an impact on your policy benefits and claims payable
- Contact details - Please check if your Email id, Mobile number, Permanent Address and Communication address are mentioned correctly in your Policy Kit. This will ensure that you receive all communication on your policy and will also enable easy access to your policy on our digital servicing channels
- KYC & Bank account details - Review your KYC details such as PAN, Photo Identify and Address Proof. Also, verify the Bank account details mentioned in the application form to ensure smooth transfer of future policy payouts/refunds if applicable
- Health details – It is the most critical aspect because if you have not declared any health conditions, or the health details mentioned in the application form are incorrect, it may create a problem while filing a life insurance/health claim. Please verify the health details given in your application form for correctness and accuracy
- Policy premium details - You must check the Policy Premium Amount, Payment Frequency and the Premium Payment Term, which is the number of years that you need to pay the policy premium
You should also familiarise yourself with other critical policy details such as Policy Start date/End date, Life Insurance Cover, Guaranteed~ Benefit/Income, Non-Guaranteed benefits, Policy Lock-in period, Liquidity feature (Loan/Partial withdrawal) and conditions such as Policy Lock-in and Policy Surrender prior to Policy Maturity.
~T&C Apply
For any changes or modifications you wish to make during the freelook period, you can write to lifeline@iciciprulife.com or visit the nearest ICICI Prudential Life Insurance branch.
During your freelook period, you may request for updating any Personal or Health details, change in Product features like Increase/Decrease of Insurance cover, Premium Payment Term, etc.
For this, you may visit your nearest ICICI Prudential Life Insurance branch or write to lifeline@iciciprulife.com from your registered email ID. Depending on the type of request, you may have to submit additional documents, undergo medical tests or pay an additional premium amount.
Life insurance policy is purchased for the long-term protection of your loved ones. Only if you are truly convinced that the product and benefits offered by the plan are not in accordance with your expectations from the plan you can take the decision to cancel the policy. It is important to stay vigilant from unscrupulous advice or fraudsters who may advise you to cancel your policy during the freelook period in return for monetary benefits or purchase another policy.
Please note that when you freelook a policy, you are at risk of being without insurance cover in case of any unfortunate event. Also depending on the type of insurance policy, you will not get a full refund of your policy, as there will be deductions in terms of stamp duty, medical test and NAV fluctuation.
In most of the life insurance policies the premium paid is refunded after a few deductions like charges for stamp duty, medical tests etc. The table below will give you an indication of the deductions applicable to your policy. For more details, you may also refer to your policy document.
Type of Policy | Freelook refund will consist of |
Unit Linked Life Insurance (ULIP) policy | Fund value post deduction of units equal to the amount paid towards |
Savings/Endowment policy | Premium amount will be refunded post deduction of the following: |
Term insurance policy | Premium amount will be refunded post deduction of the following: |
Annuity policy |
If you wish to submit a request to freelook your policy, you may visit the nearest ICICI Pru Life Branch (applicable for ULIPs). To locate the nearest branch, visit www.iciciprulife.com/branchlocator. For other types of policies, you can write to lifeline@iciciprulife.com from your registered email id mentioned in your Policy Kit.
Following documents are required to submit your freelook request:
- A written request from the policyholder or a Duly filled and signed Freelook request form with the reason for cancellation is mandatory to submit a freelook request
- KYC details and Bank account details of the policyholder may also be required if the policy premium is paid via cash/cheque or transfer of funds from another policy. This is required mainly to verify the bank account details in which the policyholder wishes to get the policy freelook refund.
Click here to view the documents required
Additional Documents required to submit a freelook request in case of premium payment via cheque/cash and transfer of funds.
• Copy of Photo Identity Proof(Any 1) Valid Passport, Aadhaar (with the 8 digits masked), Valid Driving Licence, Voter ID Card, Job card issued by NREGA
• Copy of Cancelled Cheque of the bank account in which the policyholder wishes to receive the refund.(Cheque copy with name of policyholder pre-printed) or last 3 months updated Bank Statement/passbook of Bank account to receive
- NRI policyholder wanting a refund in the same NRE account from which the premium was paid will have to submit the proof of payment (Bank statement of NRE bank account)