High life cover at affordable rates so that your loved ones are financially secure.
Benefit payout upto 1 Crore in case of 34 life critical illnesses~(optional).
Save tax up to 54,600/-^ under Section 80C & 80D. All benefit payouts are tax-free.
You get the option to give your nominee an additional payout (upto 2 crore) in case of your death due to an accident+.
In case of permanent disability due to an accident, your policy continues without you having to pay any premiums.
If diagnosed with a Terminal Illness, we pay you the complete Sum Assured.
30 Day Return Policy
If not satisfied, you can return (free look) your policy and get your money back.
Service Assurance
Your policy will be issued in 72 hours on receipt of all documents and medical reports.
Secure your wife's future with MWP Act@
Buy ICICI Pru iProtect Smart under Married Women's Property (MWP) Act to protect the benefits of your term insurance plan from creditors or relatives who may have fraudulent intentions. When you buy term insurance with MWP Act, you will ensure that the benefits of your plan are indeed passed on to your wife and children.

You can buy this plan online^^ in the comfort of your home or office. You can customise the plan as per your needs.
Get peace of mind with our claims settlement ratio`` of 97.8%.To know more about our claims settlement go here.
*The above-mentioned premium rate is for ` 1 crore of life cover for a 25-year-old healthy male for a policy term of 21 years with regular income payout option. The annual premium amount for this assumption will be ` 5,725/- and monthly premium will be ` 490/-.
` The above-mentioned premium rate is for ` 50 lakh of life cover and ` 10 lakh of accelerated critical illness cover for a 25-year-old healthy male for a policy term of 35 years with regular income payout option. The annual premium amount for this assumption will be ` 4,340/- and the monthly premium will be ` 372/-.
‘‘ The above-mentioned premium rate is for ` 1 Crore of life cover and ` 50 Lakh of accidental death benefit for a 30-year-old healthy male for a policy term of 15 years with regular income payout option. The annual premium amount for this assumption will be ` 8,949/- and the monthly premium will be ` 766/-. The premium amounts are inclusive of taxes.
#The above-mentioned premium rate is for ` 1 crore of life cover and ` 10 lakh of accelerated critical illness cover for a 25-year-old healthy male for a policy term of 14 years with regular income payout option. The annual premium amount for this assumption will be ` 6,907/- and monthly premium will be ` 590/-. Premium amount will differ according to the benefit option chosen.
The critical illness benefit is an accelerated benefit and the death benefit will be reduced by the critical illness cover paid to the policyholder. The future premiums payable for the residual CI Benefit will reduce proportionately. In case the CI Benefit is equal to the Death Benefit, the policy will terminate on payment of the CI Benefit. Only doctor's certificate confirming diagnosis needs to be submitted. On payment of Angioplasty, if the CI Benefit is more than ` 5,00,000/- the policy will continue for other CIs with CI Benefit reduced by Angioplasty payout. To know more about the illnesses covered, please refer to the Sales brochure. Critical Illness Benefit is optional and available under Life and Health and All in One option.
Please refer to the product brochure for the definitions, exclusions and other terms and conditions applicable for Terminal Illness and Permanent Disability due to an accident.
** As per Money Today Financial Awards 2017-18
∞Tax benefits can be availed subject to the issuance of policy and other conditions as per prevailing tax laws.
~The critical illness benefit is an accelerated benefit and the death benefit will be reduced by the critical illness cover paid to the policyholder. To know more about the illnesses covered, please refer to the Sales brochure. Available under Life and Health and All in One option.
+Accidental Death Benefit is up to `2 Crore.Accidental death benefit is available for the Life plus and All in one option of the plan.
##Top Selling Term Plan refers to ICICI Prudential Life Insurance plans which are bought by customers through the website with our Zero-Paper-Process.
^^Subject to realisation of payment and document.
``Claim statistics are for FY2019-20 and is computed basis individual claims settled over total individual claims for the financial year. For details, refer to the Annual Report for FY 2020 under Financial Information on our website. For the other years, you can refer to the Annual Reports of the respective years on IRDAI's website.
@Nothing herein contained shall operate to destroy or impede the right of any creditor to be paid out of the proceeds of any policy of assurance, which may have been effected with intent to defraud creditors. In case of any third-party claim in the Courts of India with regards to the insurance proceeds, the amount shall be subject to the judiciary directions. Please seek professional legal advice for the applicability of this provision.
^Tax benefit of ₹ 54,600/- (₹ 46,800/- u/s 80C & ₹ 7,800/- u/s 80D) is calculated at highest tax slab rate of 31.2% (including Cess excluding surcharge) on life insurance premium u/s 80C of ₹ 1,50,000/- and health premium u/s 80D of ₹ 25,000/-. Tax benefits under the policy are subject to conditions under Sections 80C, 80D, 10(10D) and other provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Goods and Services Tax and Cesses, if any, will be charged extra as per prevailing rates. Tax laws are subject to amendments made thereto from time to time. Please consult your tax advisor for details, before acting on the above. iProtect Smart UIN: 105N151V06 and Advt No:W/II/2728/2018-19.
I agree and authorize the Company to share the information provided herein on a confidential basis with third party agencies for evaluating and processing this proposal.