What are Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs) and the charges applicable to them?
ULIPs: An introduction
ULIPs are insurance policies that offer the opportunity for wealth creation while providing the security of a Life Cover2. With ULIPs, a part of your investment is dedicated towards your Life Cover2 and the rest is assigned to a fund* which invests in equity, debt, or a combination of both. The returns depend on the performance of the fund opted by you.
ULIPs offer you the flexibility to choose your premium payment term, Sum Assured## and choice of funds to invest in. In addition, the premium break-up and charges under your policy are mentioned in the policy documents and product brochure for greater transparency.
*Here, a fund is a collection of the money you paid as premiums and is managed by the insurance company to provide you with better returns
##The Sum Assured is a fixed minimum amount that your nominee receives in your absence
What are the different types of charges in ULIPs?
It is important that you understand the premium break-up under your Unit Linked Insurance Policy. Once you decide the amount of premium to be paid and the Life Cover2 you want, the insurance company deducts a portion of the ULIP premium. This portion is called the Premium Allocation Charge and varies from product to product.
The rest of the premium amount is invested in a fund or a mixture of funds of your choice. On this amount, Mortality Charges* and ULIP Administration Charges are then deducted periodically by the cancellation of units. Also, the value of ULIP Fund Management Charges# is reduced from NAV** on a daily basis.
As mentioned above, the fund selected by you invests in either equity, debt or a combination of the two. Hence, Fund Value## is the overall performance of the fund you have invested in. At maturity, you will receive an amount equal to your fund value at the end of your policy term.
*The cost of providing a Life Cover under the policy is called Mortality Charge
**Net Asset Value (NAV) is the price at which the units of a fund (equity or debt) are purchased.
#Fund Management Charge is the fee charged by the insurance company, for managing your fund and providing better returns.
##Fund Value is the money that is invested in the equity and debt fund of your choice.
Click here to know more about the charges
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