What is Phishing?
Phishing is a form of fraud, which is used to get important information such as your username, password and other financial details like bank account number, ATM pin, credit/debit card number, etc. It is extracted either directly from you, or indirectly through your computer.
Fraudsters try to obtain your personal details over calls or emails by posing either as the representatives of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) or Insurance companies.
Hackers, on the other hand, are individuals who steal information by breaking the complex procedures that secure information on computers. This information is then misused for cybercrimes such as theft and impersonation.
Common Methods used by Fraudsters:
- The name and registered logo of an insurance company or IRDAI are often misused for sending false information about bonuses and/or other financial benefits.
- Hackers or Fraudsters use fake email IDs or phone numbers and claim to be from an authentic source. They may also ask you to send personal information immediately with the purpose of misleading you.
- Fraudsters may also ask you to make payments in order to avail fake offers, bonuses or benefits by depositing cash or sending demand drafts or cheques.
How to safeguard yourself:
- Beware of emails from suspicious email addresses that claim to be from IRDAI or your Life Insurance Company. These emails may urge you to make certain payments immediately. For example, statements like ‘Provide details within 48 hours or else your policy will be cancelled’, etc. will not be sent either by IRDAI or your insurance company.
- Beware of emails that greet you with ‘Dear User’ or ‘Dear Valued Customer’, etc. instead of using your name, as these emails are sent in bulk to mislead a large number of people.
- Do not open email attachments or click on links sent by an unknown sender or source. These attachments and links may contain files that when downloaded, track the important details stored on your computer that could be misused. Also, never reply to emails that have been marked spam as it makes your computer prone to fraud attacks.
- Verify the URL of the webpage provided in the email you receive. The ‘s’ at the end of ‘https://’ stands for ‘Secure’, meaning the page is secured with encryption. Most fake webpages/portals would start with ‘http://’. Beware of such websites! Always establish the authenticity of the website by verifying its digital certificate, before making any payment or providing personal details.
Note: IRDAI or its officials do not sell any kind of insurance or financial products, invest premiums nor announce any bonus. In case of any such phone calls, you are requested to lodge a police complaint along with details of the phone call. COMP/DOC/Oct/2022/2010/1336
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