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Term Insurance with
Return of Premium Calculator

Choose 'Yes' if you have smoked or chewed tobacco in the last 36 months
Enter valid date of birth
Your mobile number will solely be used for important policy-related communication. Please enter the mobile number on which you will be actively available.
Enter 10 digit mobile number Don’t worry; we won’t spam!
Enter valid email id
Your life insurance cover limit will be calculated basis your income. You may be asked to provide an income proof at the time of purchase.
Enter valid pincode
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Know how limited pay works
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Here’s what a 32-year-old healthy male with a life cover of ₹1 crore and policy term of 53 years would pay 1
Limited Pay
Monthly premium : ₹ 9,251
Total premium : ₹ 5,55,060
Savings 55.96%
Regular Pay
Monthly premium : ₹ 1,982
Total premium : ₹ 12,60,552
Savings 0%
Claims Corner

Steps to buy Term Insurance with Return of Premium

Check Premium

Fill application & make payment
Fill application &
make payment

Submit document
& complete
medical check-up

Policy Issued

How Term Plan with Return of Premium works? Play Video

Understand Return of premium option
Understand Income option
Understand Early RoP with life stage cover
Understand RoP at maturity with life stage cover
Return of Premium Payout Image
Death Claim Payout Image
Accidental Death Claim Payout
Accidental Disability and Death Claim Payout
Return of Premium Payout Image
Death Claim Payout Image
Accidental Death Claim Payout
Accidental Disability and Death Claim Payout
Understand Return of premium option
Life cover remains constant
₹17.49 L p.a
Age   35
Premium: ₹41,644 p.a.
Premium: ₹41,644 p.a.
The above premium is online, without tax annual premium for a 35 year old healthy male, regular pay with cover ceasing at age 75, life cover of ₹1 crore, death benefit payout option as lump sum.
Understand Income option

Life cover reduces to the extent of income payouts subject to minimum cover of 10 times annual premium

Life cover reduces to the extent of income payouts subject to
minimum cover of 10 times annual premium

Age   35
₹10,000 p.m (₹1.2L p.a) as income.
Premium: ₹55,764 p.a
Premium: ₹55,764 p.a

On survival, get monthly income in the range of ₹10,000 to ₹30,000 (₹1.2L to ₹3.6L p.a.) from the policy anniversary after the age of 60 till the end of policy term.

The above premium is online, without tax annual premium for a 35 year old healthy male, pay till 60, with cover ceasing at age 75, life cover of ₹1 crore, death benefit payout option as lump sum.
More value for money
Life cover adapts to your life goals. Get a higher cover during the crucial stages of your life.
Understand Early RoP with life stage
Understand Early RoP with life stage cover
Up till 55 years
(Subjected to maximum twice the basic sum assured)

Starting from second policy year, 5% of Basic Sum Assured gets added every policy anniversary, till the policy anniversary after the Life Assured attains age 55.

60-end of policy term

Sum assured becomes 50% of base sum assured as you have met most of your financial responsibilities

₹14.51 L p.a
Life Cover: Increases 5% p.a
Age   35
Premium: ₹69,107 p.a
The above premium is online, without tax annual premium for a 35 year old healthy male, 20 pay, with cover ceasing at age 75, life cover of ₹1 crore, death benefit payout option as lump sum.
Understand RoP at maturity with life stage cover
Up till 55 years
(Subjected to maximum twice the basic sum assured)

Starting from second policy year, 5% of Basic Sum Assured gets added every policy anniversary, till the policy anniversary after the Life Assured attains age 55.

60-end of policy term

Sum assured becomes 50% of base sum assured as you have met most of your financial responsibilities

Life Cover: Increases 5% p.a
₹11.15 L p.a
Age   35
Premium: ₹42,491 p.a
The above premium is online, without tax annual premium for a 35 year old healthy male, pay till 60, with cover ceasing at age 75, life cover of ₹1 crore, death benefit payout option as lump sum.

Quick Guide to your Term Insurance with Return of Premium plan

Quick Guide

Return of Premium

Premium Calculator

Quick Guide to your Term Insurance with Return of Premium plan

Return of Premium
Return of Premium Calculator
What is ICICI Pru iProtect Smart Return of Premium Plan?
ICICI Pru iProtect Smart Return of Premium offers all the benefits a term insurance plan along with return of premiums paid. It is an ideal choice for people looking for life insurance cover with assured return of premiums 3 on policy maturity. You get a large life cover 1 to protect your family’s financial future in your absence and you get a maturity benefit on survival beyond the policy term.
How much life cover 1 do I need?
The life cover 1 you need depends on your current annual income. We recommend that a life cover 1 equivalent to 10-15 times ^ your annual income is sufficient to provide for a safe future for your family.

If budget is a problem, you can go with monthly premium payment option over a yearly commitment. However, it is important to have sufficient life cover 1 so that your family’s financial security is not compromised.
What is the difference between policy term and premium payment term?
The policy term is the total duration of your term plan with return of premium coverage, while the premium paying term is the number of years for which the premiums must be paid. The premium paying term can be equal to or less than the policy term.
What is Limited pay option?
With the limited pay option, you can pay premium for a specific pre-agreed period (5 year, 7 years, 10 years, 12 years, 15 years or till age 60) while you are earning an income and enjoy life cover 1 for the whole policy duration, irrespective of the premium payment period.
What is Term Insurance Return of Premium 3 Calculator?
A Term insurance plan that returns the premiums 3 paid to the policyholder is known as a Term insurance return on premium 3 (TROP) plan.

A term insurance return of premium 3 calculator will help you understand the amount of money you can receive according to the various option available for you to choose, that will best suit your needs.

The calculator will show how the options work and how they will affect your returns. Sum assured, premium payment term, policy term, choice and frequency of payout and additional riders that you select will have an impact on the actual amount that you receive. A Term insurance return on premium 3 (TROP) plan returns all the premiums paid as a lump at the end of the policy term.
How does term insurance return of premium 3 calculator work?
A Term insurance return of premium 3 calculator considers various factors and scenarios and will then show you the amount that you will receive as a lump sum during the policy term (on your demise) or at the end of it (on survival), depending on the option you have chosen.

Factors that affect this are
  • Age of the applicant
  • Gender and Smoking habits
  • Duration of the premium payment term selected
  • Duration of the return of premium policy term
  • The sum assured selected
  • Any additional riders selected

When you enter the above factors in the Term Insurance Return of Premium Calculator, it will then show you the Premium frequency and actual amounts that you will receive, depending on the choices you have made
What factors determine the premium amount?
The premium for any insurance policy depends on a few factors that determine the amount. The sum assured that you wish to get is one of the most important primary factors. The higher the sum assured the higher is the premium of the policy. Other factors that affect the premium amount are age, gender, smoking habits, duration of the policy term and the choice of the premium payment term.

Keep in mind premium payment term is different from the Policy term. To make it simpler to understand, let us take an example. You can opt for a policy that will provide a cover for 20 years, yet you can choose to pay the premium for the policy for a limited number of years, say 5, 7 or 10 years.
What is the difference between Term Insurance and Term Insurance Return of Premium 3 ?
A Term insurance plan is one where you pay premiums for a life cover 1 . The benefits of a term plan are paid or applicable only in the event of death claim.

A term insurance return of premium 3 plan not only offers the life cover 1 it has assured but also returns the premium amount, back to the policyholder applicable at maturity of the policy.
Steps to use the Term Insurance Return of Premium Calculator
To use the Term Insurance Return of Premium Calculator:
  • Start by entering basic details like your gender, age, annual income, smoking habits and your contact details.
  • Check the box to undergo suitability analysis and click on Check Premium
  • Select the plan option from the options available
  • Select how long you wish to pay the premium for
  • Select the frequency of your premium payments
  • Select the duration of your term insurance policy
  • Select the duration of your Return of Premium plan
  • Choose the Benefits and options from the riders available that suit you best
  • Enter the amounts you wish to have in the riders if you choose any
  • Click to calculate

Why choose ICICI Prudential Life?

Why choose ICICI Prudential Life?

9.69 Cr %
Lives covered as
on March 31, 2024
₹2.77 Lakh Cr `
Benefits paid till
March 31, 2024
₹2.90 Lakh Cr
Assets under
management as on
March 31, 2024
1 Day >
Claim Settlement

Term Plan with Return of Premium
Frequently Asked Questions

For death benefit:
Suicide is the only exclusion. In case of death due to suicide within 12 months from the date of commencement of risk under the policy or from the date of revival of the policy, as applicable, the Claimant shall be entitled to at least 80% of the total premiums paid till the date of death or the surrender value available as on the date of death whichever is higher, provided the policy is in force. The Policy will terminate on making such a payment and all rights, benefits and interests under the Policy will stand extinguished.

For Accidental Death Cover:
Please refer to the exclusion list provided in the brochure.

For Accidental Total & Permanent Disability Cover:
Please refer to the exclusion list provided in the brochure.
If claim for Accidental Total & Permanent Disability has been paid out, the future premium will be proportionately reduced. The policy will continue with Accidental Death cover (if opted) and life cover 1 .
Yes, return of premium 3 plan available for housewife. Housewife’s life cover 1 depends on her husband’s eligibility to buy a cover. The husband must either have an existing insurance cover of ₹50 lakh or more with any insurer. Minimum life cover 1 for housewife is ₹25 lakh and max life cover 1 is up to 50% of husband’s life cover 1 (upper limit of ₹50 lakh).
Our return of premium plan is available at special rates for women, with a Flat 15% F Discount for females on premiums! Our return of premium 3 calculator will help you in customising your plan as per your needs.
Yes, if you are married male, you can buy ICICI Pru iProtect Smart Return of Premium under MWP M act and your wife and children can be beneficiaries under this act. Once a policy is availed under the MWP M Act, it may not be attached by courts for repayment of your debts. Only your wife and children will be entitled to the Sum Assured in the event of your demise.
Life is anyways unpredictable, but accidents are a little more. Death due to a diseases or natural causes still gives you and your family a heads-up. In 2022, the number of deaths due to accidents was ₹4.3 lakh*, which means ₹4.3 lakh people had no idea that this would be their last conversation with their loved ones.
  • Additional Life cover 1 for your loved ones for as low as ₹246 p.m. for a 50 Lakh Cover
  • Additional protection against accidental death can go as high as 3 times Life Cover
  • ₹50 lakh Life Cover 1 + ₹50 lakh Accidental death Cover 5 = Double Protection
We have a 3-step claims process:

Step 1: Claim Reporting
Claim can be reported through any of our below mentioned touchpoints:
  • Visit the claims section of our website for online claim intimation
  • Call us at our 24 x 7 ClaimCare number – 1800 2660
  • E-mail us at claimsupport@iciciprulife.com
  • SMS 'ICLAIMPolicy No' to 56767
  • Visit your nearest ICICI Prudential Life Insurance branch.
However, your claim will only be considered for registration upon submission of dully filled claim intimation form along with other requisite documents. Physical documents will be required to be sent to the nearest branch to start the process.

The documents needed are:
  • Duly filled and signed Claimant Statement Form
  • Recent photograph of the claimant
  • Death Certificate issued by local government authority of the person insured in the policy (Life Assured)
  • Signed copy of photo identity proof of the claimant
  • Current Address proof of the claimant(Any one of the following: Aadhar Card, Valid Passport or Driver's License, Voters ID are considered as proofs)
  • Signed copy of PAN card / Form 60 of the claimant
  • Copy of cancelled cheque / bank statement / passbook of the bank account of the claimant where payment needs to be transferred

The company may call for additional documents will also be required, depending on the type of death, for faster processing of your claim. Kindly click here to know more: https://www.iciciprulife.com/insurance-claim/documents-required-for-death-claim.html

Step 2: Claim Processing
Our dedicated ClaimCare team will assess your claim and inform you in case any more documents need to be submitted.

Step 3: Claim Settlement
Once your claim is intimated and we receive all the relevant documents, we will settle your claim. For more detailed information on Claims, visit https://www.iciciprulife.com/insurance-claim.html