Steps to buy Term Insurance with Return of Premium
make payment
& complete
medical check-up
How Term Plan with Return of Premium works?
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Life cover reduces to the extent of income payouts subject to minimum cover of 10 times annual premium
Life cover reduces to the
extent of
payouts subject to
minimum cover of 10 times annual premium
On survival, get monthly income in the range of ₹10,000 to ₹30,000 (₹1.2L to ₹3.6L p.a.) from the policy anniversary after the age of 60 till the end of policy term.
Up till 55 years
(Subjected to
twice the basic sum assured)
Starting from second policy year, 5% of Basic Sum Assured gets added every policy anniversary, till the policy anniversary after the Life Assured attains age 55.
60-end of policy term
Sum assured becomes 50% of base sum assured as you have met most of your financial responsibilities
Up till 55 years
(Subjected to
twice the basic sum assured)
Starting from second policy year, 5% of Basic Sum Assured gets added every policy anniversary, till the policy anniversary after the Life Assured attains age 55.
60-end of policy term
Sum assured becomes 50% of base sum assured as you have met most of your financial responsibilities
Quick Guide to your Term Insurance with Return of Premium plan
Quick Guide
Quick Guide to your Term Insurance with Return of Premium plan
Why choose ICICI Prudential Life?
Claim Settlement Process
Report Claim
Term Plan with Return of Premium
Frequently Asked Questions
Suicide is the only exclusion. In case of death due to suicide within 12 months from the date of commencement of risk under the policy or from the date of revival of the policy, as applicable, the Claimant shall be entitled to at least 80% of the total premiums paid till the date of death or the surrender value available as on the date of death whichever is higher, provided the policy is in force. The Policy will terminate on making such a payment and all rights, benefits and interests under the Policy will stand extinguished.
For Accidental Death Cover:
Please refer to the exclusion list provided in the brochure.
For Accidental Total & Permanent Disability Cover:
Please refer to the exclusion list provided in the brochure.
- Additional Life cover 1 for your loved ones for as low as ₹246 p.m. for a 50 Lakh Cover
- Additional protection against accidental death can go as high as 3 times Life Cover
- ₹50 lakh Life Cover 1 + ₹50 lakh Accidental death Cover 5 = Double Protection
Step 1: Claim Reporting
Claim can be reported through any of our below mentioned touchpoints:
- Visit the claims section of our website for online claim intimation
- Call us at our 24 x 7 ClaimCare number – 1800 2660
- E-mail us at claimsupport@iciciprulife.com
- SMS 'ICLAIMPolicy No' to 56767
- Visit your nearest ICICI Prudential Life Insurance branch.
The documents needed are:
- Duly filled and signed Claimant Statement Form
- Recent photograph of the claimant
- Death Certificate issued by local government authority of the person insured in the policy (Life Assured)
- Signed copy of photo identity proof of the claimant
- Current Address proof of the claimant(Any one of the following: Aadhar Card, Valid Passport or Driver's License, Voters ID are considered as proofs)
- Signed copy of PAN card / Form 60 of the claimant
- Copy of cancelled cheque / bank statement / passbook of the bank account of the claimant where payment needs to be transferred
The company may call for additional documents will also be required, depending on the type of death, for faster processing of your claim. Kindly click here to know more: https://www.iciciprulife.com/insurance-claim/documents-required-for-death-claim.html
Step 2: Claim Processing
Our dedicated ClaimCare team will assess your claim and inform you in case any more documents need to be submitted.
Step 3: Claim Settlement
Once your claim is intimated and we receive all the relevant documents, we will settle your claim. For more detailed information on Claims, visit https://www.iciciprulife.com/insurance-claim.html