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Savings Plan

Save today for a
prosperous tomorrow

Year-on-year bonus1 advantage
Enhanced flexibility with Savings Wallet2
Buy online & get up to 4% additional benefit sum assured~
Guaranteedo Returns
Life Cover+
Savings Wallet2
Tax Benefits*
Avail Loan3
Guaranteedo Returns
Life Cover+
Savings Wallet2
Tax Benefits*
Avail Loan3
View all benefits
Start investing with just ₹2,100 p.m.
Start investing with just ₹2,100 p.m.

ICICI Pru Sukh Samruddhi Calculator

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By submitting my details, I override my NDNC registration and authorize ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited, its third parties and its representatives to contact me through call, RCS, Whatsapp or E-Mail. I further consent to permit ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited to share my information on confidential basis with its third parties and its representatives (i) for contacting me (ii) for evaluating and (iii) for processing this Proposal.
To undergo suitability analysis, please click here.
By not undergoing the suitability analysis, you confirm to purchase the policy based on your independent assessment of the suitability of the product.
If you wish to be redirected to calculate your premium without sharing your personal details, click here.

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What is ICICI Pru Sukh Samruddhi?

ICICI Pru Sukh Samruddhi is a participating savings oriented life insurance plan. This plan helps you grow your savings with the protection of guaranteedo returns and participation in bonus. It also gives you the flexibility to decide how you want the benefits: as a one-time lump sum, or as regular income, so that you're able to achieve milestones across all stages of life.
This is an ideal plan if you're looking to save and grow your money to secure your goals. These could be funding your child's education, buying a house for your family, going on a dream vacation, living comfortably after retirement or any other important financial goal you have in life.
oConditions apply

How the plan works?

There are two options available under ICICI Pru Sukh Samruddhi:


Lump Sum

Pay for a fixed premium payment term and get guaranteed income for a fixed income term. The policy term here is premium payment term plus income term.

Shubham Sharma's Investment Story

Meet Shubham Sharma
35 year old
He Wants
to ensure that he gives his son best-in-class education. He decides to save ₹50,000 every year for 10 years under Income plan and chooses to receive income for 10 years.
Show Story


Premium Payment Term
(PPT In years)
Income Term
Policy Term
(PT in years)
PPT + Income Term
Min/Max age at Entry
(in years)
Min/Max age at Maturity
(in years)
Min Premium
₹ 24,000 p.a. for all ages
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Myth Busters


Benefit Sum Assured
Reversionary Bonus
Terminal Bonus
Sum Assured
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3 Simple Steps to Buy Online

Plan Issued
Create your Savings Plan
Fill application form
Make Payment & Upload Documents
Keep these documents handy

Need help? Call us today
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Why choose ICICI Prudential Life?

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₹ 2.94 Lakh Crore
Assets Under Management as on March 31, 2024^^
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9.69 Crore
Lives Covered as on March 31, 2024%
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968.8 Crore
Bonus declared for policyholders``
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1 Day<
Death Claim

Frequently Asked Questions