Download Brochure- ICICI Pru Signature
Download Brochure- ICICI Pru Guaranteed Income For Tomorrow
1Wealth Boosters equal to 3.25% of the average of the Fund Values including Top-up Fund Value, if any, on the last business day of the last eight policy quarters will be allocated as extra units to your policy at the end of every 5th policy year starting from the end of 10th policy year till the end of your policy term.
2Policies issued on or after February 01, 2021 where aggregate premium(including top-up premiums and rider premiums) payable during the term of the policy/policies in respect of Unit linked life insurance policies more than Rs 2.5 lakh per year per person is not exempt u/s 10(10D). Policies issued on or after April 01, 2023 where aggregate premium(including top-up premiums and rider premiums) payable during the term of the policy/policies in respect of Non-unit linked life insurance policies more than Rs 5 lakh per year per person is not exempt u/s 10(10D). Tax Benefits of Rs 46,800 under Section 80C is calculated at the highest tax slab of 31.2% (including cess excluding surcharge) on life insurance premium under Section 80C of Rs, 1,50,000. Tax benefits under the policy are subject to conditions under Sections 80C, 10(10D), 115BAC and other provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Goods and Services Tax and Cesses, if any will be charged extra as per applicable rates. Tax laws are subject to amendments from time to time. Please consult your tax advisor for more details.
3Systematic Withdrawal Plan is allowed only after the first five policy years. The total withdrawals in a policy year cannot exceed 20% of the fund value.
4Life cover is the benefit payable on death of the life assured during the policy term.
5There is no premium allocation charges in Signature Online. Amount equal to total of mortality charges and policy administration charges deducted in the policy will be added back to the fund value at maturity, provided all due premiums have been received. This amount will be allocated among the funds in the same proportion as the value of total units held in each fund at the time of allocation. This shall exclude any extra mortality charges and taxes levied on the charges deducted as per prevailing tax laws.
677.1 mn lives covered across our individual and group customers as per ICICI Prudential Life Council Report.
7As per Financial Statements (Schedule 4- Benefits paid (Gross)) of the company, benefits paid since inception up to March 31, 2024.
8Data regarding AUM is as per Annual Report of the Company for FY2024.
9Guaranteed benefits will be payable, provided all due premiums have been paid. Guaranteed benefits are payable through ICICI Pru Guaranteed Income For Tomorrow.
10Calculated for a 35-year-old healthy male with a premium paying term of 10 years and a policy term of 20 years for limited pay option. The premium shown is exclusive of taxes and the mentioned benefit is payable only if all premiums are paid as per the premium paying term and the policy is in force till the completion of entire policy term opted. Also, the maturity benefit of GIFT component shown contains online benefit.
11Calculated for a 35-year-old healthy male with a premium paying term of 10 years and a policy term of 15 years for limited pay option. The premium shown is exclusive of taxes and the mentioned benefit is payable only if all premiums are paid as per the premium paying term and the policy is in force till the completion of entire policy term opted. Also, the maturity benefit of GIFT component shown contains online benefit.
12Wealth creation is through maturity benefit of ICICI Pru Signature.
URisk factors and warning statements
- Linked insurance products/ annuity products with variable pay-out options are different from traditional insurance products and are subject to the risk factors.
- The premium paid in linked insurance policies are subject to investment risks associated with capital markets and publicly available index. The NAVs of the units may go up or down based on the performance of fund and factors influencing the capital market/ publicly available index and the insured is responsible for his/her decisions.
- ICICI Prudential Life Insurance in only the name of the Life Insurance Company and ICICI Pru Signature Online is only the name of the linked insurance contract and does not in anyway indicate the quality of the contract, its future prospects or returns.
- Please know the associated risks and the applicable charges, from your insurance agent or intermediary or policy document issued by the insurance company.
- The various funds offered under this contract are the names of the funds and do not in any way, indicate the quality of these plans, their future prospects and returns
<ClaimForSure: 1 Day Death Claim Settlement is available for the following:
a) Policies that have been active for 3 consecutive years. All due premiums in the policy have been paid and the policy has been active for 3 consecutive years preceding life assured's death.
b) All mandatory claim documents are submitted at the branch. Mandatory documents to be submitted at Branch Office-Claimant statement form,Original policy certificate,Copy of death certificate issued by local authority, AML KYC documents-Nominee's recent photograph, Copy of Nominee's pan card,Nominee's current address proof, photo identity proof, Cancelled cheque/Copy of bank passbook,Copy of medico legal cause of death,Medical records (Admission notes,Discharge/Death summary,Test reports, etc). For accidental death-Copy of FIR, Panchnama,Inquest report,Postmartem report,Driving license.
c) Total claim amount of all the life policies held by the Life Assured <=₹ 1.5 Crore.
d) Claim does not require any on-ground investigation.
#Past performance is not indicative of future performance.
&The investment made by the customer is diversified since part of the investment invested in GIFT lumpsum product gives fixed guaranteed return and rest is invested in ULIP which gives market based returns.
$Tax benefits of ₹46,800 under Section 80C is calculated at highest tax slab rate of 31.20% (including cess excluding surcharge) on life insurance premium under Section 80C of ₹1,50,000/-
^Calculated for a 35-year-old healthy female with a premium paying term of 10 years and a policy term of 15 years for limited pay option. The premium shown is exclusive of taxes and the mentioned benefit is payable only if all premiums are paid as per the premium paying term and the policy is in force till the completion of entire policy term opted.
*ARR stands for assumed rate of return. For the purpose of illustration, the Company has assumed 8% and 4% as rates of investment returns. The returns shown in the illustration are not guaranteed and they are not the upper or lower limits that you may get, as the value of the policy depends on a number of factors including future investment performance.
^^Deduction is allowable on premiums paid under life Insurance policy subject to conditions mentioned u/s 80C and other provisions of the Income Tax, 1961. Maximum deduction allowable u/s 80C read with section 80CCE of the Income Tax Act, 1961 is Rs 1,50,000. In the present case, deduction u/s 80C is already exhausted so effectively tax benefit is calculated as zero.
“The amount calculated is as per the input given by customer.
=Tax benefits of Rs 46,800 is calculated at highest tax slab rate of 31.20% (including cess excluding surcharge). Please consult your tax advisor for details.
+Minimum premium is Rs. 5000 p.m. “Start with Rs. 5,000” is a suggestion.
~Additional Maturity Benefit is offered for online sales: For Lump Sum Plan option, 2.5% of Sum Assured on Maturity is applicable for Limited pay.
}Tax savings of ₹ 18 Lakhs is calculated as aggregation of ₹ 4.68L tax savings on Premium and tax savings of ₹ 3,11,740 on benefits received (when compared with Taxable payouts) from Unit Linked insurance policy + tax savings of ₹ 10,21,176 on benefits received from Non Linked insurance policy
{Tax savings of ₹ 4.68 L on premium is calculated as ₹ 46,800 per year on life insurance premium under Section 80C of ₹1,50,000/- for 10 years calculated at tax rate of 31.20% (including Cess excluding surcharge)). Tax savings of ₹ 3,11,740 on benefits received form unit linked policy is calculated on the net benefits received (payouts minus premiums paid for 10 years) in excess of Rs 1,25,000 at tax rate of 13% (including Cess excluding surcharge)) i.e (₹ 49,93,000- ₹ 24,70,000)= ₹ 25,23,000- ₹1,25,000 exemption=23,98,000*13%= ₹ 3,11,740 Tax savings of ₹ 10,21,176 on benefits received from non-linked policy is calculated on the net benefits received (returns minus premiums paid for 10 years) at tax rate of 31.2% (including Cess excluding surcharge)) i.e (₹ 73,03,000- ₹ 40,30,000)= ₹ 32,73,000*31.2%= ₹ 10,21,176
Smallcap250 Momentum Quality 100 Index Fund | ULIF 157 301224 SmcMomQual 105 |
Bluechip Fund | ULIF 087 24/11/09 LBluChip 105 |
Focus 50 Fund | ULIF 142 04/02/19 FocusFifty 105 |
India Growth Fund | ULIF 141 04/02/19 IndiaGrwth 105 |
Maximise India Fund | ULIF 136 11/20/14 MIF 105 |
Maximiser V | ULIF 114 15/03/11 LMaximis5 105 |
Mid Cap Fund | ULIF 146 28/06/22 MidCapFund 105 |
Multi Cap Growth Fund | ULIF 085 24/11/09 LMCapGro 105 |
Opportunities Fund | ULIF 086 24/11/09 LOpport 105 |
Sustainable Equity Fund | ULIF 145 03/06/21 SustainEqu 105 |
Value Enhancer Fund | ULIF 139 24/11/17 VEF 105 |
Mid Cap Index Fund | ULIF 149 050723 McIndxFund 105 |
Mid Cap 150 Momentum 50 Index Fund | ULIF 151 180124 McMomentum 105 |
Multicap 50 25 25 Index Fund | ULIF 152 220224 MultiCapIF 105 |
MidSmall Cap 400 Index Fund | ULIF 153 150424 MidSmal400 105 |
MidSmallCap 400 Momentum Quality 100 Index Fund | ULIF 156 251024 MscMomQual 105 |
Active Asset Allocation Balanced Fund | ULIF 138 15/02/17 AAABF 105 |
Balanced Advantage Fund | ULIF 144 03/06/21 BalanceAdv 105 |
Multi Cap Balanced Fund | ULIF 088 24/11/09 LMCapBal 105 |
Mid Cap Hybrid Growth Fund | ULIF 147 050123 MCHybrdGrt 105 |
Income Fund | ULIF 089 24/11/09 LIncome 105 |
Secure Opportunities Fund | ULIF 140 24/11/17 SOF 105 |
Money Market Fund | ULIF 090 24/11/09 LMoneyMkt 105 |
Constant Maturity Fund | ULIF 148 050123 ConstntMat 105 |
This combination solution is applicable for Lump sum plan option of ICICI Pru Guaranteed Income For Tomorrow with online benefit and ICICI Pru Signature.
This combination solution comprises one set of policies each of two products named ICICI Pru Guaranteed Income For Tomorrow & ICICI Pru Signature. These are also available individually with the Company and it is not mandatory for the customer to apply for this combination only.
ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited. IRDAI Regn No. 105. CIN: L66010MH2000PLC127837. ICICI PruLife Towers, 1089, Appasaheb Marathe Marg, Prabhadevi, Mumbai-400025. For more details on the risk factors, terms and conditions, please read the sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale. For enquires related to new policies purchased online, please call us on 1800-2660 and select option 4 on our Interactive Voice System. Trade Logo displayed above belongs to ICICI Bank Ltd & Prudential IP services Ltd and used by ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Ltd under license.
The customer is requested to separately go through the product brochures of ICICI Pru Guaranteed Income For Tomorrow (UIN: 105N182V11, A Non-Participating Non-Linked Life Individual Savings Product) & ICICI Pru Signature (UIN: 105L177V07, A non-participating linked individual savings life insurance plan) to take the decision to opt for this combination solution after having fully understood the risk factors, product terms and conditions.Advt. No.: W/II/1659/2024-25
COMP Code: COMP/DOC/Jan/2025/161/8146
IRDAI is not involved in activities like selling insurance policies, announcing bonus or investment of premiums. Public receiving such phone calls are requested to lodge a police complaint.