1Income: In plan option ‘Immediate income’ and ‘Immediate income with Booster’, starting from the first policy year till the end of the policy term, you will receive a regular income at the end of every policy year/month, as chosen by you, provided the policy is in-force. For “Immediate Income with Booster”, along with the regular income, you will also receive a benefit (known as Guaranteed Booster) every 5th policy year provided the policy is in-force. This Guaranteed Booster will be equal to 100% of the Guaranteed Income, as applicable for the year of payment.
In ‘deferred Income’ plan option, you will receive regular income at the end of every year/month, starting from end of deferment period as chosen by you, provided the policy is in-force. You can start this income as early as 2nd policy year or as late as Premium Payment Term plus 1 year.
This regular income will comprise the following:
- Guaranteed Income (GI) and
- Income which will be linked to Bonus, if declared; referred to as Cash Bonus (CB)
You will receive this income till the date of maturity, death, surrender or lapse of the policy, whichever happens first.
2Bonuses: Bonuses will be applied through the simple bonus method. Cash Bonuses may be declared annually throughout the policy term for all three variants, and will be expressed as a proportion of the Annualized Premium. For a new policy sold with Date of Commencement of Risk on or after April 1 in any financial year, there may not be any Cash Bonus rate declared for such policies when the Survival Benefit becomes due to be paid. In such circumstances, the Company may pay a fixed cash income benefit in lieu of Cash Bonus. This fixed cash income benefit will be based on a non-participating Cash Income rate (declared by the Company annually in advance) and once declared shall remain guaranteed to be paid as part of Survival Benefit as and when it is due. Such payments in the form of fixed benefit shall continue till a Cash Bonus rate (as applicable for the policy) is declared and the Cash Bonus benefit, if declared, becomes payable at the next benefit due date. A separate Terminal Bonus may be declared under each variant, and will be payable on death, surrender and maturity, respectively, for a premium paying or a fully paid policy. Please refer to the sales brochure for more details.
3Savings wallet: You have an option to accumulate the Survival Benefit, instead of taking the same as a periodic payment during the policy term. You need to opt in for this feature through explicit consent vide request submitted to Us, whereby the Survival Benefit when due will be transferred to the Savings Wallet. Upon crediting the Survival Benefit in the Savings Wallet on the due date, the Survival Benefit will be deemed to have been paid and any amount within the Savings Wallet will be non-participating in nature. This option can be opted for and opted out at any time during the Income Term. The money within the wallet will be accumulated daily at an interest rate linked to the Reverse Repo Rate published by Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The interest rate used for accumulation under this feature will be reviewed twice every year on 1st of June and 1st of December, and will be set equal to Reverse Repo Rate published on RBI’s website as on the review date. The current Reverse Repo Rate as at June 1, 2022 is 3.35% p.a. In case the balance in the wallet is not withdrawn completely during the income term, such balance will be paid to the claimant in the event of death, surrender or maturity, whichever is earlier along with other benefit payments (if any). On payment of this benefit, the policy will terminate, and all rights, benefits and interests under the policy will stand extinguished. Please refer to the sales brochure for more details.
4Future premiums: You have the option to utilize the balance in the Savings Wallet to offset any premiums due to be paid during the premium payment term. The same has to be provided to Us as a request prior to the premium due date. Upon receipt of such request and confirmation of the same, We shall automatically deduct the authorized amount on the premium due date from the Savings Wallet. If the amount available for offset is not sufficient to adjust the due premium, the balance due premium shall remain payable by You as on the premium due date. We shall recognize the settlement of due premium only after receipt of the same in full. Please refer to the sales brochure for more details.
5Save the date: You can choose to receive the Survival Benefits on any one ‘Special Date’ during the policy year prior to the policy anniversary, as per your choice and the benefit will be paid on this chosen date every year through the income term till policy termination. This option to receive Survival Benefit on any one ‘Special Date’ can be availed by both in-force as well as paid-up policies.
In case you opt for a Special Date other than the policy anniversary, the Survival Benefit payable each year would be adjusted by multiplying the amount with the following Save the Date factors, varying by the policy month in which the Special Date.
6Calculated for a 25-year-old healthy female with a yearly premium frequency with premium paying term of 12 years and a policy term of 60 years for Immediate income plan option at an ARR of 8%. The premium shown is exclusive of taxes and the mentioned benefit is payable only if all premiums are paid as per the premium paying term and the policy is in force till the completion of entire policy term opted.
6aCalculated for a 30-year-old healthy male with premium paying term of 12 years and a policy term of 55 years (Maturity when the person turns 85) for Immediate income plan option. The premium shown is exclusive of taxes and the mentioned benefit is payable only if all premiums are paid as per the premium paying term and the policy is in force till the completion of entire policy term opted. Total benefits is the summation of all benefits (Guaranteed Income + Cash Bonus + Terminal Bonus)
^ARR: Assumed Rate of Return. For the purpose of illustration, the Company has assumed 8% ARR^ and 4% ARR^ as rates of investment returns. The returns shown in the illustration are not guaranteed and they are not the upper or lower limits that you may get. As the value of the policy depends on a number of factors including future investment performance. Past performance is not an indicative of future performance.
6bCalculated for a 30-year-old healthy male with premium paying term of 12 years and a policy term of 30 years (Maturity when the person turns 60) for Immediate income plan option. The premium shown is exclusive of taxes and the mentioned benefit is payable only if all premiums are paid as per the premium paying term and the policy is in force till the completion of entire policy term opted. Total benefits is the summation of all benefits (Guaranteed Income + Cash Bonus + Terminal Bonus)
7Calculated for a 35-year-old healthy male with a yearly premium frequency with premium paying term of 12 years and a policy term of 50 years for Immediate income with Booster plan option at an ARR of 8%. The premium shown is exclusive of taxes and the mentioned benefit is payable only if all premiums are paid as per the premium paying term and the policy is in force till the completion of entire policy term opted.
7aCalculated for a 25-year-old healthy male with premium paying term of 12 years and a policy term of 35 years (Maturity when the person turns 60) for deferred income plan option with deferment of income by 10 years. The premium shown is exclusive of taxes and the mentioned benefit is payable only if all premiums are paid as per the premium paying term and the policy is in force till the completion of entire policy term opted. Total benefits is the summation of all benefits (Guaranteed Income + Cash Bonus + Terminal Bonus)
7bCalculated for a 30-year-old healthy male with premium paying term of 12 years and a policy term of 40 years (Maturity when the person turns 70) for deferred income plan option with deferment of income by 10 years. The premium shown is exclusive of taxes and the mentioned benefit is payable only if all premiums are paid as per the premium paying term and the policy is in force till the completion of entire policy term opted. Total benefits is the summation of all benefits (Guaranteed Income + Cash Bonus + Terminal Bonus)
8Calculated for a 50-year-old healthy male with a yearly premium of Rs.1L with premium paying term of 10 years and a policy term of 35 years for Deferred income plan option at an ARR of 8%. The premium shown is exclusive of taxes and the mentioned benefit is payable only if all premiums are paid as per the premium paying term and the policy is in force till the completion of entire policy term opted.
9Calculated for a 25-year-old healthy male paying a monthly premium of Rs. 4.5k with premium paying term of 12 years and a policy term of 60 years for Immediate income plan option at an ARR of 8%. The premium shown is exclusive of taxes and the mentioned benefit is payable only if all premiums are paid as per the premium paying term and the policy is in force till the completion of entire policy term opted.
In case you have selected the “Immediate Income with Booster” plan variant at inception where you will receive Guaranteed Booster (GB) benefit as part of the Survival Benefit, then the same shall be paid (adjusted as above) on the Special date in the policy year when it is due. Please refer to the sales brochure for more details.
^Guaranteed: In all plan options, guarantee is in the form of ‘Guaranteed income’ as regular income and ‘Sum assured on maturity’ as a part of Maturity Benefit. Additionally, in ‘Immediate Income with booster’ plan option, the ‘Guaranteed booster’ also forms a part of guaranteed benefits. Guaranteed returns are payable subject to all due premiums being paid and survival of the life assured.
*Policies issued on or after April 01, 2023 where aggregate premium payable during the term of the policy in respect of Non-unit linked life insurance policies more than Rs 5 lakh per year is not exempt u/s 10(10D). Tax benefits/Tax-free returns under the policy are subject to conditions under Sections 80C, 10(10D), 115BAC and other provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Goods and Services Tax and Cesses, if any will be charged extra as per applicable rates. Tax laws are subject to amendments from time to time. Please consult your tax advisor for more details.
&Lump sum: For all plan options, on survival of the life assured till the end of policy term for a fully paid policy, Maturity Benefit will be sum of
- Sum Assured on Maturity, plus
- Balance in the Savings Wallet (if any), plus
- Terminal Bonus (if declared)
The Sum Assured on Maturity shall be the sum of Annualized Premium payable under the policy.
+Life cover: Life cover is the benefit payable on death of the life assured during the policy term.
- Sum Assured on Death, plus
- Balance in the Savings Wallet (if any), plus
- Interim Survival Benefit (if any), plus
- Terminal Bonus (if declared)
Where, the Sum Assured on Death is the highest of:
- 7 times the Annualized Premium,
- 105% of the Total Premiums Paid as on the Date of Death,
- Death Benefit multiple times Annualized Premium.
~Additional Benefit is offered for online sales: For All Plan options, 3% additional Survival benefit and Sum Assured on maturity.
T9.69 Crore lives covered across our individual and group customers as per ICICI Prudential Life Council Report.
#As per Financial Statements (Schedule 4- Benefits paid (Gross)) of the company, benefits paid since inception up to March 31, 2022
^^Data regarding AUM is as per Annual Report of the Company for FY2024.
##This is income in advance income frequency chosen at policy inception with annual premium payment mode. If this frequency is opted by you, then You will receive the survival benefit at the beginning of each policy year (i.e. due date) during the income term commencing from the income start date. In case income term starts from the first policy year, such survival benefit will be paid out within seven working days of realization of the first year’s premium by the Company post issuance of the policy. For any subsequent policy year during the premium payment term, such survival benefits (if due) will be paid out within seven working days of realization of the respective policy year’s renewal premium by the Company or on the due date, whichever is later. Post premium payment term, such survival benefits (if due) will be paid out on the respective due dates.
``Bonus declared for policyholders:- Source
ICICI Pru Gold UIN: 105N190V04
`ARR: Assumed Rate of Return. For the purpose of illustration, the Company has assumed 8% ARR and 4% ARR as rates of investment returns. The returns shown in the illustration are not guaranteed and they are not the upper or lower limits that you may get. As the value of the policy depends on a number of factors including future investment performance. Past performance is not an indicative of future performance.
VCalculated for a 30-year-old healthy male with a yearly premium frequency with premium paying term of 12 years and a policy term of 55 years for Immediate income plan option at an ARR of 8%. The premium shown is exclusive of taxes and the mentioned benefit is payable only if all premiums are paid as per the premium paying term and the policy is in force till the completion of entire policy term opted.
ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited. IRDAI Regn No. 105. CIN: L66010MH2000PLC127837. ICICI PruLife Towers, 1089, Appasaheb Marathe Marg, Prabhadevi, Mumbai-400025. For more details on the risk factors, terms and conditions, please read the
sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale. For enquires related to new policies purchased online, please call us on 1800-2660 and select option 4 on our Interactive Voice System. Trade Logo displayed above belongs to ICICI Bank Ltd & Prudential IP services Ltd and used by ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Ltd under license. ICICI Pru Gold UIN: 105N190V04. Advt. No.: W/II/1993/2024-25
IRDAI is not involved in activities like selling insurance policies, announcing bonus or investment of premiums. Public receiving such phone calls are requested to lodge a police complaint.